Bullying Prevention

The Tensas Parish School Board is committed to maintaining a safe, orderly, civil and positive learning environment so that no student feels bullied, threatened, or harassed while in school or participating in school-related activities. Students and their parents/guardians shall be notified that the school, school bus, and all other school environments are to be safe and secure for all. Therefore, all statements or actions of bullying, hazing, or similar behavior such as threatening or harassment made on campus, at school-sponsored activities or events, on the school buses, at school bus stops, and on the way to and from school shall not be tolerated. Even if made in a joking manner, these statements or actions of bullying or hazing, or similar behavior towards other students, school personnel, or school property shall be unacceptable.


All students, teachers, and other school employees shall take responsible measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of the policy.